Mar 14, 2023Liked by Bitterwhiteguy


When you begin your Quinquennial cycle of colonoscopies at age 50 you will have the opportunity to relive the clean and flush experience.

Something to look forward to...perhaps not.

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Unless we have Jay Wright locked up or UT loses to Colgate, there's no reason to not bring Terry back. The team, fanbase and most importantly the recruits all want him.

Musselman is a good coach and recruiter, but they didnt exactly do a lot with their talent this year. If Terry were to make the sweet 16 or further, it would be a complete slap in the face to bring on Musselman and I could easily see us losing Holland and AJ Johnson. Could also see guys transfer

Give Terry a 3 year deal and fire him after 2 seasons if we perform subpar

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Great writeup of what to expect for this number 2, oh and the Texas Longhorns.

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SO happy to hear from you! (And bad, bad, bad Noro!)

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